In the U.S. there are six common species of cockroaches that are considered pests. The German cockroach measures approximately 1/2 an inch. It is light brown with two dark stripes. The male brown-banded cockroach is golden brown in color while the female is a darker shade of brown. Both display light-colored bands on their bodies and wings. Oriental roaches grow to be approximately 1 ¼ inch in length and are black in color. Dark brown in color, the smoky brown roach can reach a length of 1 ½ inches. The American roach is reddish brown in color and 2 inches long. The female Turkestan cockroach has cream colored marking around the edge of its head and is about an inch in length. The male is slightly smaller. Identifying the species of cockroach helps to determine the best way to exterminate it.
Any habitat that provides food, water and shelter will attract cockroaches. For shelter they require dark, covered place to hide out in during the day, as they are nocturnal insects and venture out at night. When it comes to food they will eat most food, paper, cloth, plants and glue used for binding books. Different species of roaches prefer different habitats. German cockroaches inhabit kitchens, bathrooms and food storage areas while the brown-banded cockroach prefers warm, indoor hiding spots such as clutter and inside hollow furniture. The oriental roach seeks out cool, damp places such as basements and garages. Smoky brown cockroaches usually remain outside, living in trees and shrubs. You'll find American roaches in sewers and Turkestan roaches in compost piles.
Life Cycle
The life cycle of a cockroach consists of three stages: the egg, nymph and adult. Cockroaches prefer breeding in corrugated cardboard boxes but will procreate in any dark, sheltered place. With the exception of the German cockroach, a female roach deposit its eggs in a capsule called an ootheca as soon as it is formed. The ootheca contains between 10 and 28 eggs. The German cockroach carries its ootheca --- which holds between 30 and 48 eggs --- in her abdomen until the eggs are about to hatch. Nymphs resemble adult cockroaches except they are smaller and have no wings. Before becoming adults, they shed their skins multiple times.
Cockroach Control
To control cockroach infestations, properly store food and take the garbage out regularly. Keep these insects out of the house by caulking cracks around doors and windows and sealing attic vents and openings around drainage lines. Eliminate sources of water. This means fixing leaky pipes, not letting water sit in sinks for extended periods of time, not over-watering house plants and getting rid of outside sources of water such as cans, tires or tree holes that can collect rain water. You can also use chemical controls such as baits, sprays and dusts.