Hobbies And Interests

How to Identify Fireflies of New Jersey

Fireflies, also known as lightning bugs, are actually a type of leatherwing beetle. Male fireflies' tails light up with a flashing amber, green or yellow light at night to attract a mate. You can see fireflies in New Jersey from late May through July, although they are most common in June. Backyard naturalists can identify firefly species by flash color and duration. New Jersey has four common species of firefly; each has a distinct flash color and pattern.


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      Go outside at dusk and look for fireflies. Write down the different firefly flash colors you see. Pay close attention to the exact color -- light green versus dark green, for instance.

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      Write down the flash pattern associated with each color -- flashing or glowing. Note the size of the firefly if you can.

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      Identify the fireflies you observed by their color, flash pattern and (if possible) size. Firefly species in New Jersey include: photinus (yellow-green, flashing light, 0.5-inch-long body); photuris (green, flashing light, 1-inch body); pyractomena (yellow-amber, flashing light, 1-inch body); and phausis reticulata (blue or green steady glow; less than 0.5-inch-long body).

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