Wolf Spider
The wolf spider, one of the common spiders found in gardens along the northeastern part of the US, has brown stripes and long legs. It is a nocturnal animal and can usually be found running around lawns and gardens in search for food. Wolf spider bites can be painful, but aren't lethal to humans. Although not aggressive, wolf spiders are known to bite people when provoked.
Nursery Web Spider
Nursery web spiders are common throughout the central and western US. Most of the time people mistake them for wolf spiders because both spiders have the same coloration and physical characteristics. A Nursery web spider gains its name "nursery" from the dwelling it builds out of leaves when its eggs are about to hatch. The Pisaura mirabilis is a species of nursery web spiders that have long legs and brown stripes -- although this species is most commonly found in Europe.
Funnel Weave Spider
Another family of spiders having brown stripes and long legs are funnel weave spiders. These spiders create a funnel-looking weave on grasses and bushes to catch prey. There are two types of funnel weave spiders common in the US: grass spiders and common house spiders. Grass spiders often have brown bodies with dark stripes on the body. They have a long abdomen that makes it very distinguishable from wolf spiders and nursery web spiders.
Brown Widow Spider
In the U.S., the brown widow spider is commonly found in areas around California. The brown widow's bite is not nearly as deadly as the black widow's, although it still packs toxic venom and should be avoided when possible. Brown widow spiders commonly have an orange hour glass on the belly. The coloration of the abdomen varies depending on the area where it lives. It has long legs that are covered with black and light brown stripes. It commonly shelters in homes, as well as gardens.