For Pets
Use pet shampoos specially formulated to kill fleas and ticks. These products contain active ingredients such as limonene and linalool that target pests. These two products work together to kill fleas in all stages of development, including flea eggs. Eucalyptus oil is also sometimes used in shampoos because of its ability to repulse fleas. Pyrethrin is a shampoo ingredient that is effective for flea baths, but it should not be used on cats who are sensitive to chemicals. Shampooing is a means of eliminating preexisting pest infestations. Follow the product instructions carefully to avoid adverse effects to your pet.
Attach a flea collar to your adult pet. Never place flea collars on puppies or kittens. While your pet is wearing a flea collar, monitor its interactions with children and remain aware of your own contact with the collar. Because the pesticides contained in the collar can come to the surface, you should wash your hands thoroughly after touching the collar or after petting a cat or dog wearing a collar. Flea collars are best used on pets who spend extended periods of time outdoors. If your pet is in constant contact with family members, consider using other methods of pest extermination.
Talk to your veterinarian about an oral flea treatment for your pet. These are available by prescription. Oral treatments contain an ingredient called nitenpyram that prevents flea eggs from hatching on your pet, but it does not affect ticks. Oral flea pills are not intended as a ongoing flea control method, as the medicine is out of the pet's system within 24 hours.
Groom your pet using a flea comb. This method is effective for pets who are unable to take medications due to allergies or other physical issues. Flea combs can be used following a bath or during times in between baths. These combs feature double rows of teeth; some models have as many as 32 teeth per inch. The small teeth are spaced closely together to catch and remove eggs and bugs as you comb your pet.
Apply topical pest treatments to your pet. These treatments are available without a prescription and are applied to the back of your animal's neck. There are different formulas of topical treatments. Some are geared toward both fleas and ticks, while others target fleas and flea eggs. Topical products have the advantage of working for 30 days before reapplication is required. Unlike other forms of pest treatment, these topical treatments can be used on young animals. Some pets may exhibit sensitivity and skin issues at the site of application. Read the packages carefully and select the appropriate formula for your pet.
Remove stray ticks or fleas that you spot on your pet. Fleas can be picked off with fingers or tweezers. However, the process requires more caution for ticks, which latch onto your animal and feed on blood. Ticks can expel disease-carrying fluids. If possible, wear rubber gloves during this process. Use fine-tipped tweezers to grip the tick as close to the animal's skin as possible. Pull straight up and backward to remove the insect in a slow, steady motion. Too much pressure can inject the tick's saliva into your animal's bloodstream and increase the chance of an infection. Kill the tick with rubbing alcohol and then flush it down the toilet. Clean the site where the tick was attached to your pet with a little bit of alcohol applied to a cotton swab.
In Your Home
Launch an insect fogger in your home to target flea and tick infestations. Foggers implement strong pesticides and should only be used for severe infestations. Read all directions before setting off a fogger. Generally, using these products will require you to evacuate your home for several hours to avoid contact with chemicals or chemical residue.
Perform regular gardening and housekeeping tasks to make your home and lawn uninviting to fleas and ticks. Keep your lawn mowed and trim bushes and shrubs. Keep leaves raked. Fleas and ticks are drawn to areas of tall grass and leaf litter. Clearing excess brush cuts down on the likelihood of insects living on your property.
Inside your home, vacuum, sweep and mop frequently. Wash bedding often. These actions can help keep fleas and ticks from re-infesting areas that have been cleared. Monitor window and door screens to reduce the likelihood of insects coming inside.