Things You'll Need
Study with a magnifying glass each insect that you find. This will give you a more detailed look to aid in identifying each specimen.
Use a ruler to obtain the length of the insect. This will help in the identification.
Identify the eastern tiger swallowtail butterfly. This butterfly originated in North America and is the state insect of Virginia. Tiger swallowtails are most commonly found during the months of April to October. They are some of the biggest butterflies, with a wingspan of approximately 5 inches. Males have bright yellow wings with four black bands on each front wing. Each back wing has a long black tail. Certain females possess black wings with blue and black bands on the back wings.
Be familiar with the baldfaced hornet. These hornets are typically found in gardens, forests and parks, and are common throughout Virginia. Their segmented bodies are black and white and their faces are mostly white. They have two wings that are smoky brown in color. Adult baldfaced hornets can grow up to 1 inch in length. They build large oval-shaped nests that have a thick paper-like consistency. These nests typically have one hole near the bottom and are found hanging on tree limbs.
Discover the hover fly. Hover flies mimic the appearance of wasps and bees; however, they do not bite or sting. These flies are yellow and black, and they have large brown eyes and smoky brown-to-clear wings. Adults can grow up to one-half inch in length. They are typically found in meadows and forests, and they mainly feed on pollen and nectar.
Know the common white tail skimmer. White tail skimmers are dragonflies and are found throughout North America. They are typically found near water sources such as lakes, ponds, marshes and streams. They like to rest objects such as rocks and stems near the water. Adult male common white tail skimmers have thick white abdomens and a thick dark stripe on each of its four wings. Adult females have brown abdomens and dark brown markings on each wing. These dragonflies can grow up to 1.75 inches in length.