Black Widow Spider
Black widow spiders are poisonous arachnids found in warm and dry climates, including Sacramento in northern California. They are a medium-sized spider whose bodies are about a 1/2-inch long. Black widow spiders are characterized by the distinctive red hourglass marking on their abdomens. Only the female black widow bites humans and its venom is 15 times more poisonous than that of a rattlesnake. Females will often kill and eat their male counterparts after mating. Black widow spiders prefer quiet, dark areas such as basements, attics, garages, wood piles and cellars.
Hobo Spider
The hobo spider is one of two highly poisonous types of spiders found in Sacramento, the other being the black widow spider. Hobo spiders are also known as funnel spiders because of their funnel-shaped webs. They range in size from 1 to 2 inches and are brown in color. Hobo spiders live in dark and damp household areas like basements and window wells. They generally avoid humans and tend to bite only when threatened. Hobo spider venom is extremely poisonous, and bitten individuals should seek immediate medical attention.
Yellow Sac Spider
The yellow sac spider is a common house-dwelling arachnid found in Sacramento. Yellow sac spiders are pale green, tan or straw-colored, and range in size from 1/4 to 1/8-inch long. They are distinguished by a dark stripe running the length of their abdomen. Yellow sac spiders do not spin webs but instead build silken tubes or sacs in protected indoor areas, such as behind pictures and shelves or along ceilings and corners.
Wolf Spider
The wolf spider is a common Sacramento household pest. Wolf spiders are brown and gray in color, and range from 1/2-inch to 2 inches in size. They generally prefer to inhabit warm areas such as basements, garages, windows and doorways. Some wolf spiders live in underground tunnels or underneath rocks. Wolf spiders do not spin webs, but females are capable of making silk egg sacs. They are not considered poisonous but a bite from a wolf spider may cause a reaction in some individuals.