Top bar bee hives are a very old system used by beekeepers for centuries. They were once used in Greece in the form of a pot or basket with sticks laid across the top. There are no elaborate frames involved, and the top bar system is less labor intensive than the better-known box system where boxes are stacked one on top of another. The only frames, per se, in a top bar hive, are the bars themselves that rest on the top edge of the hive. Adding additional bar frames is a straight-forward process.
Measure the width of the top bar hive. Cut 1 1/4-inch bars to the width of the hive so that they rest on the edges of the hive.
To replace a bar, lift the bar straight out. If it has a honeycomb and the comb is attached to the side of hive, cut the comb loose carefully. The bees will rebuild.
Add as many top bar frames as your hive will accommodate.