Things You'll Need
Reduce caddis fly numbers by changing exterior lights. In large commercial buildings, change mercury vapor lights to sodium vapor lights. The caddis flies will no longer be attracted in swarms. In homes, install the yellow "bug lights" instead of incandescent bulbs. Switch off unnecessary exterior lights to prevent caddis fly infestations.
Read the instructions carefully on the insecticide label. Make sure the spray is suitable for caddis flies. Mix the insecticide according to the instructions. Wait until the caddis flies are swarming around exterior lights, and spray liberally with insecticide.
Use an electric, hand-held fly swatter to eradicate caddis flies in your home. Hold the handle of the fly swatter, and touch the wire mesh to the caddis fly. The fly will be instantly electrocuted. This system is effective and reduces the mess caused by squashing insects.