When They Appear In The Spring
Wasps generally come out in late spring to early summer, whenever the temperature rises consistently above 50 degrees. They tend to spend their first few weeks building their nests, which are made from chewed up wood fibers and insect saliva. The location of wasp nests varies depending on the type of wasp, but they are often made in the crevices around structures and hanging from trees, meaning they are often made in the side of homes or in trees in the yard.
When They Disappear In The Fall
Wasps generally disappear some time in the late fall when temperatures drop back below freezing. During the winter the wasps leave their nests and the nests die out. Since wasps do not return to their nests the following spring, the nests can safely be removed once all the wasps have disappeared for the winter. If a nest is discovered in late fall, its probably worth waiting until the freezing temperatures kill off the colony, instead of risking a sting by removing it yourself.
Dealing With Nests
The best time to remove a nest is during the early summer, around June, once the queen has established the colony and before the colony has had time to become too much of a nuisance. The nests can be sprayed with a commercially available liquid pesticide or insecticide to kill the insects inside and then the nest should be removed or the entrance sealed if the nest is inside a wall. Make sure that all the insects are dead before you seal the nest, otherwise you may force any surviving wasps inside the structure and possibly into the house.
Avoiding Problems While Outside
One of the biggest problems with wasps is their attraction to things like family gatherings and picnics. They are attracted to both food and drinks that are left outside, so don't take out the food and drinks until people are ready to eat it and don't leave them out in the open once people are finished. Food and drinks should be kept in well-sealed containers. Have everyone check their food and drinks for wasps before they take a sip or bite. You can catch wasps using a trap or a net, and then squash them, but where there is one there are usually several more, so the best method is to try and avoid attracting them as best you can.