Things You'll Need
Identify the spider you wish to display. Different spiders require different habitats. Determine whether a spider is a web-spinning trapper or a ground-dwelling hunter prior to designing a display.
Choose an appropriate glass or plastic tank for each spider. For example, large spiders such as tarantulas or wolf spiders, and those that spin large webs should be placed in 10-gallon tanks. Smaller spiders with less-expansive webs such as jumping spiders and black widows, can be kept in a 5-gallon tank.
Fill the bottom of the tank with 1 to 3 inches of sterilized soil, available from many pet stores. Burrowing spiders may need a deeper layer of soil.
Add rocks, logs and twigs to emulate each spider's natural habitat. For example, hunting spiders will need at least one large stone or log under which to hide. Web-spinning spiders should have a number of sturdy twigs set upright in the soil to act as supports for their webs.
Place a small petri dish or jar lid onto the floor of each cage. Add a small, moist sponge to the dish for the spider to drink from. Dampen the sponge daily.
Introduce your spider to its new habitat. Have prey waiting for it. Feed live crickets or mealworms, depending on your spider's size.