Things You'll Need
Make a few holes for ventilation in the lid with a sharp knife.
Catch the bug in the jar.
Don't touch the bug until you know what it is, it may have a nasty bite. Instead, flick it into the jar with the paper, or put the jar over the bug, slide the paper underneath and turn the arrangement over. Replace the lid.
Alternatively, take a close-up photograph of the bug to examine.
Count how many legs the bug has, using the magnifying glass if necessary.
Six means an insect, eight an arachnid, and more means another arthropod such as a woodlouse or centipede.
Examine the shape of the bug and note whether it has visible wings.
If it is an insect, it is most likely a roach, a beetle, a flea, a termite, a moth, a fly, an ant or a silverfish, all of which have distinctive shapes. A creature with eight legs is likely to be a spider or scorpion, if large, or a tick or a mite if very small. Lots of legs probably indicate a centipede, millipede or woodlouse, all of which may be a sign of damp in your home.
Look up which species in the group are prevalent in your area.
Guides are available online or you can use a guidebook.
Post a photograph of the bug on an identification forum, if you are unsure what it is.
Alternatively, take the bug or a photograph of the bug to a local university extension or natural history museum for definitive identification.
Release the bug outside if it is harmless, inside if it is useful or kill it if it is a pest.
Putting the jar into the freezer for a few hours is a clean and humane way to kill bugs.