Things You'll Need
Locate the bee nests on your property during the day when the insects are most active. Mark each nest you find by placing a garden flag next to it.
Put on tight protective clothing and locate the marked nests at dusk when bees are least active. Mix 2 1/2 tbsp. liquid dish soap per gallon of water in a large container or bucket. Fill a garden hose end sprayer with the solution and spray the entrance of each nest from a 10-foot distance.
Check the bees nests' the next day for movement or activity. If you notice any, retreat the nests after dark with the soapy water solution.
Pour a soapy water solution down the entrance of ground bees' nests at dusk. Look for ground bees to nest in rodent holes or other burrows in your yard. Fill the entrance of each nest with a shovel full of moist dirt when you are sure the bees are dead to prevent future nesting.
Kill solitary bees that find their way inside your home with soapy water. Mix 2 tsp. liquid dish soap in a spray bottle filled with water and spray any visible bees.