Bug Types
There are currently more than 50,000 species of hemiptera that have been recorded around the world, over 3,500 of which can be found in North America. Insects classified as hemiptera include gnats, stink bugs, toad bugs, western box-elder bugs, Brazilian leaf-footed bugs and water scorpions. There may also be many more bugs belonging to the order hemiptera in areas that have had less human contact.
Physical Features
The physical characteristic that is most common to all hemiptera species is the hard mouth of three or four segments which resembles a beak and is used for piercing food matter, transporting saliva to it and sucking the food into the body in order to feed. Most insects in this order have four wings, either hardened or membranous, although a few species have no wings at all. The bodies of these insects may be soft or hard and colors of these bodies vary greatly, including bright yellow, blue, red, dull brown and many other colors besides. The majority, however, are black in color. These insects also have antennae which may be composed of up to five segments. Overall length ranges from less than 0.04 inches (1mm) to more than 4 inches (10.2cm).
The feeding habits of bugs belonging to the order hemiptera vary between different bugs and the beak-like mouth is used for different types of feeding. Some species feed solely on specific types of plants, such as the harlequin cabbage bug which uses its mouth to suck juices from wild mustard plants and cabbages. Others are predators, including the assassin bug which poisons insects before consuming them through the sucking mechanism of its mouth. Bed bugs are an example of another feeding group of hemiptera who acquire nutrition through sucking the blood of larger animals, particularly mammals.
Most hemiptera species, including assassin bugs, live on land although some are aquatic and live solely in freshwater ecosystems, such as water boatman. Other hemiptera species, such as water striders, either live by a body of water or on the surface of it. These bugs are classified as semi-aquatic species.
Life Cycle Features
Bugs belonging to the order hemiptera have no pupal stage in their life cycle. Instead, the hemipteran life cycle consists of eggs being laid which hatch into nymphs resembling adults. Once these flightless nymphs have gone through five growth stages, molting at the end of each one, they become adults. The locations in which eggs are laid vary with species. They include ground locations, the stems of plants and on the backs of male bugs. Hemiptera usually have a relatively long life cycle, with a new generation being born once every 12 months.