Things You'll Need
Make a homemade insecticidal soap to kill the yellow jacket colony. Pour 2 tsp. of liquid dish soap in a quart sized container filled with water and pour the solution in the entrance of each nest at night when they are least active.
Fill an empty liquid detergent bottle half way with insecticidal dust and "puff" the product into the entrance of each nest at night. Use an insecticidal dust containing carbaryl or permethrin, available from your local home and garden center, for stubborn yellow jacket colonies.
Check the next day for yellow jacket activity. If you see any, repeat the insecticidal application at three-day intervals or as directed on the label, until you exterminate the colony.
Use a shovel to bury the entrance of each nest with moist dirt. This prevents future yellow jacket colonies from inhabiting the burrows.
Remove food and water sources that attract yellow jackets to your yard. Eliminate sources of standing water and keep swimming pools covered when not in use. Cover bird baths and small fish ponds with shade cloth or fine mesh and keep food and drinks covered until ready to use.