Ground Beetles
Ground beetles, or Carabidae, are carnivorous and hunt for snails as a tasty meal. The snail's usual defense against smaller insects, such as ants, is too produce a foamy mucus to stop the insect reaching the snail, but this defense has no effect on the larger ground beetle. Ground beetles are master snail hunters. Where a ground beetle has hunted, large numbers of discarded snail shells will be found. The snail shells are pried opened by the beetle's mandibles and the snail consumed. Snails will only escape a ground beetle attack if they retreat in good time, and even then they may suffer shell damage.
The common toad is another snail predator. The toad does not mind eating even large slugs that many other animals find unpalatable because of their slime excretions. The snail's mucus defense here again is unsuccessful. Toads are amphibious animals that can live up to 40 years; it takes them four years just to become adults. Toads hibernate from September or October to the following March. They feed on many insects and snails by catching them with their long sticky tongue.
Hedgehog are mostly found in Great Britain and Europe; they are brown and gray in color and they have yellow-tipped spines that cover their bodies. The hedgehog's diet is mainly snails, slugs, beetles, earthworms and fallen fruit, and they are considered to be "the gardener's friend." Hedgehogs are attracted to gardens by piles of leaves and twigs that they use to nest in. These nocturnal animals find food at night, and and besides snails, they also enjoy pet food, chopped peanuts and vegetables.
Humans are one of the snail's most formidable enemies thanks to pesticides. Snails will eat through plants and crops, and therefore they are considered somewhat of a menace in the garden environment. The pesticide metaldehyde is often used as the snail feels compelled to touch this substance. The metaldehyde then makes the snail produce too much mucus or slime, which causes it to dehydrate and die. Unfortunately hedgehogs and birds who eat snails will also be poisoned by this substance.