Things You'll Need
Search for wasp activity around your home and yard in the early morning when wasps are most active. Take note of the areas in which you see them flying.
Look for holes in wooden posts or fences, or old rodent burrows on your property. These are ideal places for wasps to build their nest.
Locate wasp nests in quiet, shady areas of your home or property. Common places to look are roof tops, eaves, garages or outdoor sheds. Paper wasps will build their nests on any horizontal surface, and may even try to nest on the undersides of your patio furniture and barbecue grills.
Hunt for small nests of mud in or around your home, barn or other open structure on your property. Mud dauber wasps like to build their nests on the ceilings and walls of these places.
Wear protective clothing and treat the wasp nests at night when they are least active, using an aerosol wasp spray. Repeat three days later if the wasp activity continues. Discard the nest in a plastic bag when you are sure all wasps are dead.