Earth Worm Bins
The Red Worm Composting website explains that worms must be kept in the correct type of bin whether they are being raised to sell or to assist in the creation of a compost and soil business. The soil must be kept warm and moist at all times because worms breathe through their skin. However, it is important to know that the soil can be too wet, which will interfere with the worms' oxygen levels. The bin must also provide complete darkness because sun exposure can kill worms. Wooden bins work best because they allow oxygen to circulate inside. If worm farmers use a a plastic bin, they will need to drill holes in the sides to keep the oxygen levels high enough.
Increasing Biomass
The Worm Farming Secrets website explains that all worm farmers should strive to breed and maintain large, healthy worms. Compost worms will feed on whatever materials are placed in their bin. It is important to not provide a constant food source so that the worms will eat whatever is made available. For a worm farmer who is breeding and raising worms that will be sold, it is important to produce large and fat worms. The Worm Farming Secrets website explains that worms should have a protein-rich diet that will help them to grow and gain weight quickly. Worm farmers should use a mixed feed including chicken layer pellets, corn meal, powdered whole milk, wheat meal and agricultural lime. The food supply has to be constant and of a high quality.
Worm Selection
The Worm Farming Guide website explains that it is important for worm farmers to determine what the worms are going to be used for so that the correct species is purchased. The Worm Farming Secrets website explains that Dendrobaena worms are ideal for breeding and selling because they are naturally large and thick. Smaller worms, such as the Red Wormscan, be used for composting. It is important that some worms (like breeding worms) are not mixed with different species, but compost worms can be integrated with multiple species in order to create rich soil. The Worm Farm Guide website also explains that the farmer must research the particular species of worm in order to determine the necessary environment. Worms can die if the bin becomes too hot or too cold and the tolerance levels of the various species are not the same.