Grass Spiders
Grass spiders are very common in Pennsylvania. Their large, sheet-like webs are found on grass, weeds, ivy and man-made structures, such as fences. Grass spiders are small, about 9 to 20 mm, and move quickly. They are brown or yellow-brown, with two longitudinal black stripes.
Barn Funnel Weaver
The barn funnel weaver receives the name from its typical home: barns. Common in Pennsylvania, a barn funnel weaver is more prevalent in farming areas, such as York County. They spin similar, sheet-like webs, like those of grass spiders. Barn funnel weavers are about 6 to 11.5 mm long, and are usually red-brown with two, pale-gray longitudinal stripes. They are also covered in pale, yellow hairs, have spiny legs, and can live up to seven years.
Yellow Garden Spider
The yellow garden spider is one of the largest and showiest species found in York. They are commonly discovered in gardens, tall weeds and sunny areas with bushes. Yellow garden females are larger, measuring 19 to 28 mm, while males are 5 to 8 mm. They have elongated abdomens patterned in yellow and black. Their papery, brown egg cocoons are deposited in the late summer.
Longbodied Cellar Spider
The Pholidae species is more commonly known as daddy-longlegs, and is so named for having extremely long legs. One of the most common variations is the longbodied cellar spider. They prefer warm temperatures, so are found in cellars, garages, warehouses and caves. Longbodied cellar spiders measure about 6 to 8 mm in length, while their legs are about 50 mm. They take about a year to mature, and can live up to two more.