Things You'll Need
Inspect your property and find and treat the termite nests. Signs of termite infestation are swarms of flying termites and the pencil-sized mud tubes they build from soil.
Use borax bait stations to kill the termites. Treat some wood or cardboard with borax and bury it in the ground near known termite infestations. Termites will carry the bait back to the nest where it will be consumed by the rest of the colony. Keep adding more bait as it disappears.
Repeat the borax treatment four weeks later. This will ensure the eggs laid by the termites do not hatch into a new colony.
Treat your home professionally every three to five years. Many companies offer natural treatments and the service comes with a warranty.
Prevent termite infestation from occurring. Inspect your property periodically for termite activity. If you notice any, treat them immediately before an infestation occurs.