Polistes Carolina
The common name of the Polistes carolina is the red paper wasp. As the name suggests, the entire wasp is reddish in color. It is found predominantly in the U.S. in the south-central and southeastern regions. These wasps are active during the summer and fall, and they reside mostly in woodland areas.
Polistes Fuscatus
This species of paper wasp has conspicuous gold markings on its body. It is mostly found in the western area of the United States. These wasps generally build their nests in safe, concealed locations, and the majority of their sustenance comes from caterpillars.
Polistes Dominula
This species of paper wasp goes by two common names -- European paper wasp and Dominula paper wasps. This wasp is found through the Eurasian region, but in the last 30 years has been identified throughout the United States as well. Polistes Dominula is frequently confused with the yellowjacket, since its markings are similar in appearance - black bodies marked with bright yellow. They are exceptionally protective of their nests, thus it is wise to stay at least 20 feet away.