It costs anywhere from $300 to $500 to get started as a beekeeper. That amount includes the price of protective clothing, tools, supplies, and a honeybee colony. However, over time, the initial investment in beekeeping pays for itself. Each hive produces a seasonal average of 20 to 30 lbs. of surplus honey, which a beekeeper can harvest and keep, share or sell.
Managing bees takes about half an hour per hive per week, and less time in the winter when bees are hibernating. Beekeepers extract honey twice a year. This takes about two hours per hive each time.
Backyard beekeepers spend a significant amount of time educating neighbors on the habits of honeybee swarms. One way to assuage potential fears of stinging is to build a high enough fence to keep the honeybees out of sight, and, hopefully, out of mind.