Why Do Honey Bees Swarm?
Typically, honey bee swarms occur when a hive becomes overcrowded. The colony forms a new queen, and the old queen flies away, taking part of the colony with her. The swarm lands on a branch or other object and waits until scout bees find a new nesting site such as a hollow tree. Then the swarm moves to the new location to begin another colony.
When Do Honey Bees Swarm?
Honey bee swarms usually occur during spring and early summer when bee populations increase rapidly. If swarms occur later in the year, bees may not survive the winter if they don't quickly find a suitable nest.
What to Do
According to the University of Georgia, if you find a honey bee swarm, leave it undisturbed. Swarms usually relocate after a few hours to a few days. Honey bee swarms are typically calm and non-aggressive. If the swarm must be moved, your local extension office may be able to help you find a beekeeper to safely remove the bees.