Blowflies, attracted to foul stenches emanating from cadavers, usually discover dead bodies almost immediately after death. They lay eggs in body cavities such as the mouth, nose, ears and genital openings. Open wounds also attract the adult flies; consequently, the presence of maggots or larvae elsewhere on the body may signify a wound received immediatley before death, indicating foul play. The blowfly completes its entire life cycle between one to two weeks. By identifying the blowfly stages teeming on the body during the earlier stages of decomposition, investigators can determine fairly accurately how long ago a person died and possibly the manner in which he or she died.
Carrion Beetle
Carrion beetles feed on fly maggots present on a corpse. After gorging themselves on the larval feast, the beetles will lay their eggs on the cadaver. When the eggs hatch, the larvae feed on both the body and the maggots present. Carrion beetles typically will arrive a few days after the first flies, ensuring that maggots have had sufficient time to develop. The beetles remain until the maggots transform into adult flies. The fully developed carrion beetles leave the body after a few weeks.
Hide Beetle
This beetle arrives at the corpse at a later stage of decomposition, not finding a home until five to 11 days after death and remaining in place until day 51 following death. The larvae, in contrast to the adult beetles, are more useful in determining the PMI since they forage only in bodies that already are dry, typically during the post-decay phase. The hide beetle completes its life cycle within 38 days if temperatures hover around an optimal 30 degrees Centigrade for the species. The beetles gently clean the bone of flesh, allowing forensic scientists to study the bones to identify gender, age and any traumatic damage to the bone.
Wasps and Bees
These insects typically cause problems for a forensic team since they feed on creatures such as flies and maggots that contribute to determination of the PMI. Bees and wasps can benefit forensic investigators in determining cause of death such as in cases in which the deceased has succumbed to a fatal allergic reaction to the poison in a sting. In another situation, a bee sting causing an allergic reaction may induce a driver to lose control of a vehicle, contributing to a collision. In several child abuse and homicide cases, parents have employed a multitude of wasps to sting a child to death within a locked room.