Brazilian Wandering Spider
The Brazilian wandering spider also is known as the banana spider and it comes from South America. It is an aggressive hunting spider and is considered to be the most deadly spider in the Americas according to Its venom is a neurotoxin which will cause a painful release of serotonin in its victims.
Redback Spider
The redback spider is common throughout the continent of Australia, and females can be identified by a red or orange stripe on their backs. Their bite can cause muscular weakness, nausea and sweating, and it has been linked to human deaths. Fortunately, an antivenin exists that easily prevents death if it is administered quickly enough.
Black Widow Spider
The poisonous black widow spider can be found throughout North America. The females are glossy black spiders with a red or orange hourglass on their abdomens, and the males are smaller and duller. While the bite itself is not painful, it can cause severe cramping, nausea, breathing issues, fever and high blood pressure.
Brown Recluse Spider
The brown recluse is also called the violin spider or the fiddleback spider, and it is commonly found in the midwestern and southern United States. It is a brown spider with a dark violin shape on its head. As the name implies, it prefers quiet areas like crawlspaces, rock or leaf piles, or closets. Its bite can destroy skin tissue which will only worsen if not professionally treated.
Mouse Spider
The mouse spider can be as large as 1½ inches in length, and males tend to have a bright red head. It can cause severe illness, and its large fangs can cause a deep, painful bite.They are ground dwellers that live in deep burrows and though they are not considered aggressive, they are dangerous to humans.