Acrobat Ants
Acrobat ants live in African as well as many other places across the world. These ants are well over an inch long with large wide bodies and a heart-shaped abdomen. Acrobat ants range in color from dark brown to light brown or yellow. When threatened they will lift their abdomen up and run for cover. They make their homes in decayed wood or tree stumps, but acrobat ants also like to infest homes.
Fire Ants
Fire ants are small, fierce, red ants that typically do not grow larger than 1 cm. These ants are common invaders in America, but their home is also in Africa and other regions of the world. They defend their homes with aggressive force by working as a team to swarm any person or animal that steps on or invades their space. They bite and leave red makes that are very painful, creating a sensation that for some feels like burning. Yet, their nests are often in the way because they like to build mounds and settle in open, sunny places.
Trap Jaw Ants
Trap jaw ants live in Africa as well as other exotic locations across the world. These ants have large jaws that can open wide and capture prey. They hunt other insects and snap their jaws shut very quickly. When a trap jaw ant is in danger, it will slam its jaw down and run. Trap jaw ants have six legs and long, brown bodies. They typically grow larger than 1 inch long. These exotic ants are found all across Africa.