Things You'll Need
Rehydrate dried butterflies in a relaxing chamber. If you try to spread the wings of a dried butterfly they will break and crumble. If your butterfly specimens are fresh and not dried, you can skip this step.
Choose a large piece of Styrofoam to act as your base. Measure dimensions of the base.
Cut a piece of wax paper to cover the base. Use straight pins to keep the wax paper in place. The wax paper will protect the wings of the butterflies and keep them from rubbing against the Styrofoam.
Insert a straight pin through the center of a butterfly. The pin should go through the thorax. Leave a quarter of the pin sticking up above the thorax.
Spread the wings of the butterfly gently with tweezers.
Press the straight pin into the Styrofoam with the butterfly upside down. Spread out the wings of the butterfly if necessary to ensure they are flat. When adjusting the wings, insert a straight pin into the Styrofoam on either side of the thorax. This will keep it steady.
Cut wax paper into 3-inch-by-1-inch strips. You will need five for each butterfly.
Lay a piece of wax paper from Step 7 over top of the one of the wing segments. Put straight pins through the paper, not the wing, to pin the paper into the Styrofoam. This will hold the wing in place. Do the same thing with the other three wing segments.
Leave your butterfly in this position for one week. Then remove the pins and wax paper. Remove your butterfly from the Styrofoam and turn it right side up. Insert your preserved butterfly into the base right side up to display it.
Relaxing Chamber
Add 2 inches of sawdust to the bottom of an airtight plastic storage container. Choose a container that will hold another smaller dish.
Soak the sawdust with water and a capful of anti-bacterial mouthwash.
Place a small open container on top of your sawdust. Place your butterfly inside this dish.
Check your butterfly for hydration after the second day. Lift it from the container using tweezers around its thorax. Do not grab the wings. Try and gently move the wings to determine if is it hydrated. If the wings are still inflexible, place the butterfly back in the relaxing chamber for another day or two.