Things You'll Need
Use the pin to poke about eight holes in the lid of the plastic container. Make sure the holes are smaller than the ants.
Use the container to scoop dirt with ants. Wear gloves to prevent any bites. Fill container half full of ants and dirt. Add a little water. The water will help you count the ants in your scoop as they will scramble for drier dirt. Try to catch the biggest ant, which is usually the queen. When you have the container filled, cover with the lid.
Fill the mason jar half full with soil or sand. Add your ants with original soil. Cover with doubled cheesecloth over the top of the jar. Secure the cloth with a rubber band.
Cover the outside of the jar with the dark paper and secure it with the masking tape. This will simulate the darkness of being underground for the ants.
Feed daily with honey and bread crumbs. Do not overfeed. About 1/2 tsp. a week is enough food to feed a colony of two dozen ants. Water your ants by wetting the small piece of sponge and placing it inside a bottle cap. Put that on top of the soil in the jar. Remove the paper to see the tunnels they built against the glass.