Things You'll Need
Use a container such as a jar or an aquatic cage to keep your walking sticks inside. Use a 500 ml container for juveniles, or 2 liters for larger adults. Place red aquarium gravel or a layer of dry paper towels along the bottom of the container for waste removal.
Cover the holes of the container using pantyhose material. This will keep the walking sticks, especially juveniles, from slipping out of the openings while allowing ventilation into the cage. Replace the pantyhose if they manage to eat some of it through the openings.
Place small sticks, live plants and any other natural accessories for walking sticks to climb on. It is necessary for them to find higher ground to hang over so they can naturally molt their skins.
Feed your walking sticks with leafy vegetables three to four times a week. You can feed them romaine lettuce from the grocery store, or summer plant leaves from dandelion, blueberry or apple plants. Remove damaged or off-color sections from these plants to feed them only the fresh portions.
Give your walking sticks fresh water four times or more a week. Use a small dish of shallow water for adults, but for juveniles use the mist from a spray bottle as they can drown in a water dish.