The Egg
The life cycle begins with an egg laid on a pandanus plant, a type of palm. The leaves form a protective cover for the egg.
The Nymph
After about four months, the egg hatches and a tiny stick insect, called a nymph, will emerge and begin to feed off the pandanus plant.
Nymph Growth
The nymph will shed its skin several times while growing. After three to six months, it will eventually become an adult--often spending its entire life on the same plant it was born on.
When ready to reproduce, adult female peppermint stick insects will emit a strong attractant called a pheromone to attract males. Males are smaller and have larger wings than females, allowing them to follow the female's scent trail.
Egg Laying
Once the insects have mated, the female will lay eggs on a pandanus plant. The leaves will roll down over the egg to form a sort of incubator, protecting it until it hatches to start the life cycle again.