Carpenter bees are yellow and black or bluish black, with shiny abdomens. The honeybee can be brown, black or brown and yellow, with sparse hairs on the abdomen.
The honeybee works in a colony to take care of the young. The carpenter bee is a solitary bee.
The female carpenter bee has the ability to drill through wood and build a nest. A group of honeybees looks for a sheltered location such as a hollow tree to develop its colony.
Types of bees
In a honeybee colony there is a queen, who makes the eggs; a sterile female worker bee, who takes care of the young; and a male drone, who fertilizes the queen.
Because female carpenter bees take care of their own young, all adult females can reproduce.
A new honeybee queen will mate with a number of drones before flight. She will establish her new colony with a group of worker bees.
The adult female carpenter bee comes out of hibernation in spring to mate with the adult male. She then builds a nest in woody material to lay eggs.