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Household Pest Larvae Identification

Since the beginning of time, insects have plagued humankind. We have battled with flies, roaches, termites and even blood-sucking fleas in our homes and workplaces. Knowing how to indentify pest larvae is an important step in eradicating the potential infestation of a home.
    • How to Indentify Household Pests

    Common Household Insect Pests

    • Fleas will find a way into any home, even those without pets. They can travel far and jump and climb over high obstacles. Roaches are disease-carrying pests that run quickly and even jump away when they sense danger. They breed very efficiently and can produce offspring that mate and produce more roaches only a few weeks after hatching. Carpet beetles are small fiber-eating beetles that have found their way into people's homes. They live in mattresses, closets, stored clothing, carpets and even dried goods. Carpet beetles eat natural fibers, though some are known to eat synthetic fibers as well.

    How to Indentify Pest Larvae

    • Fleas reproduce by breeding and then laying eggs. Their eggs are tiny and nearly impossible to see without a magnifying glass. Their larvae appear as tiny white, yellow or brown hairy caterpillars in carpets, pet bedding, floor cracks and even human beds. Many pest roaches develop in egg sacks and hatch into tiny replicas of their parents. Identifying roaches can be as simple as looking for their small, dark droppings, which they leave wherever they happen to be standing. Roaches will run away fast if a light is switched on. Carpet beetle larvae live in dark areas of houses in carpets, floor cracks, bedding, computers and even the clothes people wear. They are very hairy, stubby and fat and look like small maggots. They move quite quickly when disturbed.

    How to Kill Household Pests

    • Since the larvae of these pests are not covered in hard shells, food grade diatomaceous earth will kill them before they become adult insects. The DE is sprinkled over any areas with pest activity, and in essence, it dehydrates the creatures until they die. Daily, thorough vacuuming is also essential to removing the eggs and larvae of many household pests. Professional steam cleaning and pest control can also be used when the infestations are too bad to treat at home.

    How to Prevent Household Pests

    • Keeping living areas as clean as possible will help to prevent pest infestations. Putting leftover foods away and sealing up dried foodstuffs is also essential to preventing a perfect insect pest habitat. Checking pets on a regular basis for fleas will prevent them from moving into your house. Going over any secondhand furniture, toys and clothing and checking for possible intruders before bringing them home will stop an infestation before it has a chance to happen.

    How Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth Works

    • DE makes many cuts in the covering of insects causing them to dry out and this is what eventually kills them. When ingested, it destroys the creatures internal organs causing death.

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