Things You'll Need
Drill haf a dozen equally-spaced holes in the bottom of your 6-quart plastic container for drainage and to help with air flow. Drill 24 1/4 inch holes in the top of the container for air flow.
Fill the container 2 to 3 inches deep with clean, dry oat bran, available at feed stores.
Add your giant mealworms. They will dig into the oat bran on their own.
Slice a potato into 1/4 inch slices and lay two of them on top of the oat bran. The potato is for moisture. Do not add any moisture to the oat bran bedding.
Put the top on your mealworm farm and set in a warm (65-80 degree F) location that is out of direct sunlight.
Harvest worms as needed. When worms die or are used up, purchase more as giant mealworms will not produce viable beetles to continue the breeding process.