Black Widow
Black Widow spiders are black with a red hourglass marks on their bodies. Shy and nocturnal, they bite only if provoked, causing serious reactions, including death.
Brown Spider
Brown spiders are tiny with dark brown markings resembling a violin. They prefer seclusion, but will bite when provoked, causing serious sores and, in some cases, amputation or death.
Funnel-Web Spider
Funnel-web spiders spin webs ending in a funnel shape. The web acts as a sticky net which catches prey.
Green Lynx Spider
Green Lynx spiders have long legs and are found living on cacti. They catch prey by pouncing on it.
Giant Crab Spider
Giant Crab spiders are brown and have two-inch leg spans. They move sideways and climb easily. Their bite is painful but not dangerous.
Arizona Blond Tarantula
The Arizona Blond Tarantula is a three- to four-inch, reddish-brown spider that burrows. Its weapon is venomous abdominal hairs that embed in the victim.