Barn Spider
Barn spiders are fairly small (3/4 of an inch) and feed on small insects. They use their web to wrap up the insects they catch.
Wolf Spider
Wolf spiders have a brownish complexion and are found in open fields throughout Virginia. They are also very common to find in homes, particularly in dark places like cabinets or basements.
Black Widow Spider
The black widow spider is a nocturnal spider found throughout Virginia. It uses a very strong neurotoxin that can seriously harm humans who are bitten.
Grass Spider
The grass spider is one of the more common Virginia spiders. It creates a sheet of webbing into a funnel, where it hides and waits for insects to get trapped on the outside.
Jumping Spider
Like its name suggests, the jumping spider is known for jumping more than 40 times the length of its body. It is found throughout forests and gardens in Virginia.