Beet armyworms tend to feed upon very small leaves or their buds. Tobacco hornworms are bigger in size and known for stripping entire vines of their leaves.
The mark of black and yellow flea beetles can be seen on a pepper plant by the appearance of tiny round holes in the leaves. Pepper weevils tend to make larger holes and are dark red in color.
Green peach aphids
Green peach aphids are tear drop-shaped and yellow or green in color. Typically, they are wingless and cause the leaves to become discolored due to plant-borne viruses they carry.
Potato leafhopper
Potato leafhoppers look similar to common grasshoppers, but they have more prominent wings. Rather than chewing holes in the leaves, the leaf hoppers suck out the sap, causing them to wither.
Corn earworm
Corn earworms are brown or brownish-green furry worms that leave holes of various sizes in pepper plant leaves.
Fall armyworm
Fall armyworms are black with red and yellow stripes. In addition to eating holes in the leaves, they also feed upon the fruit.