Things You'll Need
Count the eyes of a spider. Most spiders in the United States have 8 eyes in two rows of 4 eyes each. A Brown Recluse spider has 6 eyes set in pairs.
Look for coloration and pattern. Do not depend on this as your only means of identification, though. Some young spiders may have no color or pattern that is visible. Brown Recluses are known for a violin shape, which does not refer to a color pattern but to the shape of their abdomen or cephalothorax. A Spitting spider looks similar to a recluse and has 6 eyes, but has black stripes and is non-poisonous.
Look past the violin pattern. Many non-poisonous spiders also have a tell-tale violin pattern. Unless the spider has the combination of a violin pattern and 6 eyes, it is probably non-poisonous.
Count the major body parts. Daddy Long Leg spiders have a single body, as opposed to spiders that have two sections. Daddy Long Legs have no venom glands and do not spin webs.