Make sure the hive is an actual honeybee hive. Check that the target isn't a nest of wasps or hornets. Be familiar with the varieties of honey-producing bees.
Track the bees to the source. Look for a bee line to a large log on the ground or a hole in a tree where bees are entering and exiting with regularity.
Dress appropriately. Wear a veil, the protective hat that covers the entire head down to the shoulders. Choose a smooth, loose fitting, light colored nylon jacket and pants that bees cannot hold onto well. Select boots that attach to the bottom of the pants.
Light a smudge pot or smoker and carry it to the hive. Allow the smoke to waft into the hive to temporarily still the bees. Keep the smoker handy.
Work with bare hands to avoid clumsiness that can upset the bees. Have a sharp knife or a cheese wire readily accessible.
Reach into the hive and carefully cut a section of honeycomb. Take only a portion of the honeycomb, not the entire hive. Place the honeycomb in a plastic bag or other container. Allow a few hours for the honey to seep from the comb.
Back away slowly from the hive so as not to upset the bees with sudden movements. Remove beekeeping gear a good, safe distance from the hive.