Know that the light of a firefly is actually the result of a chemical reaction that happens when you combine the right substrate and enzyme with adenosine triphosphate. The last and possibly most important ingredient is oxygen.
Attract fireflies to your yard by limiting the use of chemicals on your lawn. The females like to hang out low to the ground, particularly if they can feed on nearby nectar.
Turn off outside lights. Lightning bugs come out when the lighting, or rather the lack of lighting, is right. If too much light makes it hard for you to see fireflies, chances are it's too much for them to communicate with each other.
Forget about looking for fireflies when a full moon shines across your yard. The full moon apparently kills the mood for most of these insects.
Leave areas with tall grass or low overhanging trees. These make good places for lightning bugs to rest and stay cool during the daytime hours.
Keep things wet. Fireflies like humid areas, so you might draw them by keeping your lawn watered well.
Observe flash patterns that lightning bugs put out while in your yard. Some glow; others flash at an increased rate. When the males go a-courting, the female indicates her interest by responding to flashing by a male after a certain amount of time.