Examine the antennae. Moths have feather-like antennae, while butterflies have smooth antennae with swollen tips. Sneak up on the insect slowly to get a close look. Hurry because they don't stay in one place for very long.
Check the position of the insect's wings while it is sitting still. A moth keeps its wings folded down and spread out when it isn't moving. A butterfly sits with its wings up and together. Occasionally a butterfly flaps its wings down and holds them there for a moment, but in general it folds them up as soon as it lands.
Look at the body. Moths tend to be more plump around the middle. Moths also have fuzzy bodies. Butterflies are more slender and smooth. When looking at the insect, the fuzz is easily visible.
Observe the insect's reproductive habits. Moths build cocoons using silk and leaves while butterfly caterpillars undergo metamorphosis in a chrysalis that hangs from a twig or other object.
Note the time of day. Moths are more active at night while butterflies are out during the day. This is not a hard and fast rule because some moths also fly during the day.
Observe how colorful the insect is. In general, moths' colors are dull, but don't be fooled. Some moths, like the Luna moth, are more colorful than the prettiest butterfly.