Things You'll Need
Uncapping the Comb
Have all equipment ready and in easy reach.
Remove layer of wax over top of cells, or "cappings."
Save the cappings in a large pan or tub.
Place uncapped frames of comb and honey into an extractor.
Spin frames using the handle or, if the extractor is electric, simply let the machine spin the frames.
Remove frames.
Repeat until all frames are empty of honey.
Packaging the Honey
Have jars and labels ready.
Pour honey into each jar using the spout on the side of the extractor.
Take a warm, damp cloth and wipe each jar, including the mouth.
Screw jar lid on tightly.
Place your personal label on the jar.
Store in a cool, dry place out of direct sunlight.
Removing the Super
Get all bee equipment ready.
Light smoker and smoke your clothing and the hive lightly. You will remove honey from the top super of the hive.
Put a bee escape into the center hole in the inner cover. Place this cover under the super.
Place the outer cover back over the super.
Wait 24 hours for the bees to go down into the next super.
Again, get ready to remove the super.
Remove the super holding the honey you plan to harvest.
Remove each frame and examine it for bees while you're still outdoors.
Brush any remaining bees from the frame.