Things You'll Need
Grow your wheatgrass in individual planters. A planting box 4-inches-by-4-inches will yield roughly 1 ounce of wheatgrass, though this will depend on planting conditions, the amount of seed used and the amount of time you allow it to grow.
Use seven individual planters so that you have a new harvest of wheatgrass every day of the week. If you want more than 1 ounce of wheatgrass per day you can add additional planters, or use larger planters.
Remove the old wheatgrass roots after you harvest it, and start a new batch in the planter. Wheatgrass takes seven to nine days to reach harvesting age from planting, so a new batch should just be ready to go in a week. Increasing temperature and light levels can speed up the growing process, but can also help mold to grow.