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How to Conduct a Tornado Drill With Children

While some areas of the country are more prone to experiencing tornadoes than others, a tornado can happen just about anywhere. Many schools, businesses and homes already conduct fire drills or have a plan in place to evacuate in the event of a fire; however, it is also important to prepare for other tragedies, such as a tornado. When you conduct a tornado drill with children, it is important to do so in a manner that doesn't scare them.


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      Talk about the plan ahead of time. In the heat of the moment, children are not likely to listen to instructions, so you should go through the instructions before they are needed. Tell the children what the alarm sounds like, where to go and what to do when they get there. A basement or an interior room on the lowest floor is the best place to go. Sitting against a wall or under a heavy piece of furniture is even better. When the children get there, they should sit on the floor, duck their heads and cover their heads with their arms.

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      Sound the alarm that alerts you of a tornado if you are in a school or daycare. If you are at home, simply tell your children a tornado is in the area. As the adult, tell the children calmly that it is time to prepare for the tornado.

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      Lead the children to the designated tornado shelter in the school, daycare or home. If you have another adult to help you, one adult should take the lead and the other should stay at the back to ensure that all of the children proceed to the shelter. If you are alone, lead the group from ahead, but look back frequently to make sure everyone is with you. Ask young children to pair up and hold hands.

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      Instruct the children to get into position for protection from a tornado. Help any children that have trouble remembering how to sit properly. Praise those who get it right.

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      Wait a few minutes before telling the children it is safe to get up so everyone can feel what it would be like if a tornado were actually approaching. However, staying in the drill position for too long can cause unwarranted anxiety.

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