Examine the shape of the leaves carefully. The leaves of White Widow plants are almost oval shaped and have serrated edges.
Study the plant's color. While White Widow plants are bright green in color, they also look like they are covered with very fine white hairs. These hairs -- actually the glands that produce THC -- are what differentiate the plant from other strains of cannabis.
Observe the overall height and appearance of the plant. White Widow plants are bushes that grow to an average height of 45 inches. As a rule, the larger the pot they are grown in, the larger the bush can be.
Touch the leaves and stem of the plant. They should feel sticky to the touch. If they don't stick to your hand, however, that doesn't necessarily mean that it isn't a White Widow. It could just mean that the plant hasn't been grown properly.
Pay attention to the smell of the plant. It should have a warm and very pungent smell, with hints of pine and spice. These smells may be almost overbearingly strong. White Widow plants will also emit a slightly sweet odor.