Things You'll Need
Cut the wood to size and drill a screw hole through the center of the wooden base. Drill a centered pilot at one end of the wooden upright, and proceed to screw the two pieces together. Make sure the screw does not protrude from the base so that the structure will remain level and stable.
Attach the bicycle bell tops onto two of the pen barrels with glue.
Drill two holes part-way through the wooden base. When locating these holes, bear in mind that when in place there should be a gap of about an inch between the bells. In turn, both the bells should be an equal distance from the wooden upright.
Attach the bells to the device by fitting their improvised pen-barrelled stands into the holes.
Push the large-headed tack through the plastic tip of the third pen barrel.
Twist a screw-eye into the opposite end of the barrel and hang it from a screw fitted in the wooden upright. This barrel has to hang down centrally, be able to swing freely within striking distance of each bell.
Attach a length of wire to the underside of one of the bells. Using duct tape, secure the other end of the wire to an indoor water pipe or a metal spike stuck into the earth outdoors, in order to ground the connection.