The bird often dwells in urban environments and frequently sings a loud song early in the morning. In fact, the bird will sing extra loud in urban environments at dawn so it can cut through background noise. The male variety also sing at night in hopes of attracting a mate. Nightingales breed in Asia and Europe and then fly to Africa just prior to winter. In the spring, the bird returns north to nest.
Food and Predators
Fruits, seeds, insects, berries and nuts are main menu items for the small bird. The bird typically only eats the berries in the late summer, when they are plentiful. The food is often picked from the ground or from low foliage, as the birds don't often feed from high in the trees. Animals that eat the nightingale include foes, rats, cats and reptiles such as lizards and snakes.
Nightingales are often mistaken for robins because of the birds' similar size and appearance. The bird is an average of 15 centimeters high. Plain brown feathers surrounds its body, though the outside feathers on the tail and its rump are often red. It has a white throat and large black eyes, which are pronounced by a pale ring around each one. The legs are pinkish and the bill is dark brown.
Not only are the nightingale and robin's appearance similar, so to are their mannerisms. Both tend to flick their wings and cock their heads frequently. The nightingale builds its nest on the ground among shrubbery. Each female constructs her nest from grass and dead leaves and then lines them with fine grasses and hair. The father helps the mother raise the young, as he gathers food for them to eat.