Things You'll Need
Pour sand onto the wood or cardboard base and mold it into the conical shape of a volcano. This can be built on the ground, but the base will allow it to be moved.
Spray the volcano periodically with water from the atomizer to help the sand bind together. Build it shortly before it is going to be used. If you don't, the sand will dry and the volcano will fall apart.
Add colored sand to the outside of the volcano. Green sand can be used to represent vegetation and black sand can be added in lines down the volcano to indicate igneous rock formations.
Attach other topographical details such as trees and rocks to the outside of the volcano.
Hollow out a crater in the top of the volcano using a spoon, and add 2 tablespoons of baking soda and a few drops of red food coloring. The food coloring is not necessary, but will make the eruption more realistic.
Pour 1/2 cup of vinegar into the crater when you want it to erupt.