Idetifying Biotic Factors
Identify the condition of grasses. Grasses are a key indicator of the health of other biotic components in plains. Taller grasses are a result of higher rainfall, while shorter grasses of less rainfall. Size and diversity of grasses are a key factor influencing all other biotic components. Stephen Codrington writes in "Planet Geography" that grasses are the first stage on the food chain.
Discover the types of flowers. Flowering plants called forbs are also abundant in plains. Forbs are an important biotic factor given their growing scarcity due to human influence. Alan A. Knapp in "Grassland Dynamics" writes that human influence has limited the amount of forbs and grasses.
Determine animal species. Just as grass and flower factors influence animals, animals affect grasses and flowers. An animal species' diet is also a factor, such as an increase in bison or cattle diminishing grasses.
Establish the condition of soil. Chiras writes that grasslands have some of the best soil in the world. Soil is made of both living and nonliving components. The abundance of grass in plains is responsible for the richness of soil. Codrington writes that the amount of plants keeps the soil aerated, while dead grasses give key nutrients to the soil. Dead grasses give the soil a rich black color typical of the plains.
Asses the amount of human influence in plains. Grasslands are one most impacted environment, which is primarily due to the fertile soil and large quantity of grasses that are ideal for grazing cattle. The Dust Bowl is an example of poor agricultural practices combined with a drought, which created "one of the most significant environment disasters of human history, writes Chiras.