Forensic Science
Police and detectives use microscopic techniques in their investigations, a discipline commonly referred to as forensic science. For instance, an investigator may study the structure of a hair found at a crime scene to gather information about the perpetrator, such as hair color. As an experiment, single hairs from three different individuals could be collected and labeled samples A, B, and C; students could then try to match the hairs by comparing the sample hair with the "suspect's" hair under a microscope.
Pond Micro-Ecology
The vast diversity of microorganisms present in nature is staggering. Even within a small, local pond, you are guaranteed to find a jungle of microscopic proportions. Students could try to identify organisms they find in their samples, perhaps comparing and contrasting the organic diversity present in samples they take from the water.
Petri Dish Culture
Using a petri dish filled with a solidified nutrient solution, students can experiment with the mysterious world of bacteria, fungi and other microbial organisms. Single-celled bacteria and fungus spores are generally invisible to the naked eye; however, colonies of these organisms can easily be seen when they have been allowed to grow on a petri dish. For a science experiment, students could take cotton swab samples from around their house, school or community and spread the sample on a petri dish. Also known as an inoculation, this step contaminates the petri dish with whatever microorganisms were present at the site the sample was taken. After incubating the petri dishes for several days, small colonies of bacteria and fungus will begin to emerge. The students should properly label each petri dish with the origin of the sample, allowing them to compare the amount of growth on each and draw conclusions about the cleanliness of the various locations. (The materials for this experiment can be found in the Resources section.)
Spider Web Study
The web material used by spiders to build nests and capture prey is an incredible feat of nature. According to a 2011 NOVA series, spider silk can be extended 140 percent of its length before breaking, and its strength is greater than steel and Kevlar -- a strong synthetic fiber that is used to reinforce cars and boats. With such miraculous properties, many scientists are interested in studying the chemistry and mechanics of spider silk for industrial applications. Spider webs can easily be studied in the classroom setting as well; at high power, students will be able to better appreciate the craftsmanship that goes into building a spider web.