Things You'll Need
Look in recommended locations to discover mushrooms growing. In New York City, this might be Central Park, Staten Island, Forest Park in Queens, Woodlawn Cemetery in the Bronx and Prospect Park in Brooklyn. Mushrooms also grow in the backyards of private homes, in empty lots or in any urban garden area or green space, especially if there are trees in the vicinity. Mushrooms proliferate within a day or two after a heavy rainfall.
Establish whether the mushroom is gilled or non-gilled by looking under the cap. Use a magnifying glass if necessary. If there are gills, cut lightly across them with a knife and observe. Some species will ooze a clear or white latex like substance. Take note of what happens across the cut line. Different species will react in different ways. The peppery milkcap for example, will ooze milky latex which dries green and will show immediate signs of bruising. Compare your specimen to field guide descriptions to get closer to a definite identification.
Note the color and size of the mushroom and identify any distinct characteristics, such as the color of the stalk when you break it of. Sniff the mushroom -- some mushrooms have a distinctive peppery or woodsy smell, others have no smell at all. You can also taste a small portion of the mushroom -- though spit it out almost immediately -- when making an identification. Again, use your field guide to help with determinations.
Carefully pick the mushroom, if you are collecting samples or foraging, using a penknife to cut cleanly from the base. If you are not picking the mushroom, try not to handle it, as mushrooms are easily broken or damaged. Picked mushrooms should be placed in a paper bag for transportation. Do not mix species within bags and be sure to label each bag clearly.
Make a spore print. Cut the stem off and place the mushroom spore side down on a piece of heavy black or white paper. Cover with a drinking glass overnight. The resulting spore print can then be compared for color and characteristics in a field guide to identify the species.