Do All Seeds Need the Same Temperature Conditions to Germinate?
For this experiment, you will need six glass jars with lids, paper towels, seeds (squash, melon cucumber, lettuce, beet and radish) and access to a refrigerator. Soak about 18 seeds of each type overnight in the jar lids. Fold a paper towel in half and roll it into a tube to fit inside a jar. Trim the top even with the mouth of the jar. The following day, add 1 inch of water to three of the jars. Place three seeds of each type between the paper towel and the side of each jar. Place one dry jar and one wet jar in each of the following locations: a warm room, such as a kitchen; a cooler room, such as a bedroom; and the refrigerator. Check the jars daily for three weeks, and add water to the wet jars as needed. Record your observations. Which seeds sprouted first, and last, in each temperature?
Does Mulch Color Affect Soil Temperature?
Since the temperature of soil affects plant growth, does the color of the mulch around the plant affect soil temperature? To find out, you will need a digital thermometer, eight clay pots of equal size filled with the same amount of potting soil and enough black, white and red mulch to cover the surface of two pots each. Place the pots on a windowsill in full sun. Cover the soil surface of two pots for each mulch color. Two pots will not have mulch. After 24 hours, determine the temperature of the soil, once in the morning and once in the afternoon, by inserting the thermometer probe through the drainage hole of each pot. Record the temperatures and continue your observations for 10 days. Which colors of mulch made the soil the warmest and the coolest? Why do you think this happened?
Does Temperature Affect the Ability of a Plant to Transport Nutrients?
Some plants, such as a cactus, grow best in hot, dry environments. Others need shade, or full sun or cooler temperatures. Experiment to see the effect of various temperatures on a plant's ability to transport nutrients with 30 white carnations with freshly cut stems, three thermometers, three plant lights, three cardboard boxes, three mugs with 200 milliliters of water each and 1/4 teaspoon of food coloring mixed into the water. Add 10 carnations and a thermometer to each mug. Put each mug in a box, and place one box each in temperatures of 68 degrees, 78 degrees and 110 degrees. Record the temperatures and observations hourly throughout the day and for one observation the following day. Measure the remaining water in each mug and calculate the difference. Which temperatures were the best, and worst, for transporting nutrients?
Does Temperature Affect Aquatic Plants?
Explore the effect of water temperature on aquatic plants using three small aquariums with lights, three aquarium thermometers, an aquarium heater, aquarium gravel, 12 each of three different aquatic plants, such as Elodea (pond weed) and access to a refrigerator that can be kept at 45 degrees. Pour 2 inches of gravel in each aquarium and fill them with water. Plant four of each type of plant in the gravel in each aquarium. Add the thermometers and lights to each aquarium and the heater to one of the aquariums. Place one aquarium on the bottom of the refrigerator, taking out shelves and drawers as needed. Place the other aquariums in a room that stays about 72 degrees. Turn on the aquarium heater to 105 degrees. Keep the lights on during the day and turn them off at night. Observe the aquariums daily for two months and record the results. Which of the plants did the best and worst at the different temperatures?